
kǝ • sūˊ • pē  ǀ  language of origin: Chichewa  ǀ  English translation: spring well; a source of water from the ground; an ultimate source, especially of action or motion


for the sick


the next generation

the poor


Kasupe provides assistance in a variety of ways including  hands-on assistance such as HIV/AIDS workshops conducted in schools and local villages, and counseling of secondary school beneficiary students.  Additionally, monetary support  for a variety of programs is  provided to Kasupe Ministries, Malawi, a registered NGO in Malawi, Africa.  Kasupe Ministries, Malawi, distinguishes itself from other local NGOs in that its programs are conceived by those within the targeted communities.  In the local villages, Kasupe is referred to as a "community owned" charity organization.  Kasupe currently serves over 12,000 individuals living in the Balaka District of southern Malawi.  Kasupe Ministries has adopted a holistic approach to its programs, a more detailed description of which can be found through the links below.

what we do

the community